Step 1:
Check whether you have a software installed to unzip files. You can do this by right clicking on the zipped (compressed) file and seeing the options available. In the right click menu if you do not get a software that you can use to unzip the file- probably you do not have a software installed for unzipping. If you do have a software then you can proceed to Step 3.
Some participants of the course complained that when they try to unzip passwords for unzipping was asked. For those of you we recommended using 7 Zip because it managed to do the trick. I use 7 Zip so I will show you how you can do it with 7 Zip.
Step 2:
Download a software that is capable of unzipping files and install it in your computer.
Step 2.1: I am using 7 Zip (it is a free software) so here are the steps for that. Download 7 Zip from here Make sure you select the correct bit version either 32 bit or 64 bit.
Step 2.2: Now double click on the downloaded file to install it
Step 2.3: You may be prompted with a security alert asking whether you want to execute the program. Select 'Allow'
Step 2.4: You will see a screen similar to this. Select where you want to install the program (using browse button) - I use the default path. Then click 'Install'. Follow any screens necessary to install the software.
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7-Zip Installation Screen |
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Right click Menu |
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Using Extract To option |
Thanks for this.
ReplyDeleteShould a copy of the zip file remain as well as the unzipped files - and if so why?
Not necessary. If you are worried that you may change something in the unzipped version and would want to go back you could leave copy of zipped file (alternatively if you decide to delete zipped file you could download again)